Steering Towards Sustainable Choices
Why do society, corporates, and governments alike continue to shrug their shoulders, seemingly indifferent to the looming environmental crises? Is it a lack of awareness, will, or the perceived complexity of making sustainable choices? This session aims to dissect these questions, providing insights into the inertia hindering proactive measures and highlighting the profound impact of the daily choices on the planet’s future. Join us as we explore innovative strategies to make sustainable living the default, not the exception. We’ll delve into the role of policy, corporate responsibility, and individual action in paving the way for a healthier, more sustainable world.
12:15 – 13:00
Victor Friedberg, CEO & Founder at Foodshot and Joshua Anthony, Founder and CEO at Nlumn, will take part in a enlightening double interview.
This session is moderated by Judith van der Horst.
Stage 1 Podium
Joshua Anthony | Nlumn, Judith van der Horst | Foodvalley NL, Victor Friedberg | FoodShot Global